Pardon My Noise - It's the Sound of Freedom
Have you ever had one of those moments where a song comes on, and it just happens to be the perfect soundtrack to whatever is going on just then? Sort of like, if your life were a movie, that song is precisley what would be playing in the background of that particular scene? I had one of those the other day. I was driving home from work one afternoon when Radiohead's "Let Down" came on, and it created a very surreal moment. The time of day, my mood, the traffic around me...everything just kind of meshed suddenly when that song came on. Maybe one of these songs could do the trick for you:
- Razorlight - In the Morning
- Goodnight Monsters - 20 Fingers 20 Toes
- Van Dreissen - Ms. Charlotte
- Portastatic - And I was a Boy from School
- The Weepies - Gotta Have You
- Levy - In the Woods
- The 1900s - Bring the Good Boys Home
- I'm from Barcelona - We're from Barcelona
- The Kiss Offs - Love You Hardcore
- Under the Influence of Giants - Mama's Room
- Our Lady of the Highway - Fine Dancer
- The Capes - Shinjuku Hi 5
- The Benevento Russo Duo - Soba
- I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Lights
- The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
- Cities - Capitol
- My Brightest Diamond - Golden Star
- Snowden - Anti-Anti
At 6:04 PM ,
Andy said...
I just read your post before the alligator post - you know, about questioning everything. I figured I'd post my comment here so you'd see it if they're not emailed to you.
I loved this post. It's beautiful. Of course we can all identify. I didn't go to law school, so I can't really feel you too much there. But as far as working is concerned? Shit yeah dude, it blows. It's not exciting. It's not interesting. It's not creative. It sucks. I hate it. Jay says we get over it, I don't know. I think getting over that feeling will be more like giving in. I fully intend to make my living doing something awesome. You're welcome to join me for the ride. I know the Brewer is on board (hell yes! -filled in for you there brewer). Now it just has to be figured out what exactly it is.
Also, as far as living in a big city? Jay's wrong. It isn't boring, that I promise. It is, however, overwhelming. There is literally always something to do. In Miami, if I stayed in at night, I wouldn't think twice about it. Now I think "Why am I sitting here wasting my time?! Who wants to go out?!" I actually harp on myslef that I haven't been to Blue Note and village vanguard enough. However, for that reason, I still like to escape the city every couple months and head home - to tress, to green, it makes me appreciate it that much more. So you still need that escape - but not from boredom - rather, to it. And, I'll say this again. The only thing in New York that's expensive is rent. Everything else is about the same. Honestly dude if you want to come here, just do it. I can think of about 5 people including me that would give you a place to crash (well, assuming I have one come november).
As I said in my blog, the worst part about this whole post-school transition is making friendships. It just takes forever when everyone works and you don't see the same people everyday in different situations.
Don't fret man. Just do what you need to do to make yourself happy. And you want a good quarter-life crisis CD? Heavier Things - John Mayer. Yeah, I'm gay for him, but there's a good reason for it.
At 11:01 PM ,
jonphiwil said...
If you come up it, then I'm definitely in. I know that post mentioned law school a lot, but I think I could've just used "grad school" and the basic idea would still hold true - if you make the extra effort to extend your education beyond your undergrad years, shouldn't there be some sort of intrinsic and/or monetary reward for doing so? Right now I (and apparently several others) feel that the current situation provides neither.
And for the city part, I would love to feel overwhelmed right now. Where you are "Why am I sitting here wasting my time?! Who wants to go out?!" I am "Jesus, there is nothing to do around here....what DVD should I watch tonight?" It's especially bad in the music area. Any band I'm even remotely interested in seeing either goes to Raleigh or Myrtle Beach, and both of those are just far enough away that any night except Friday or Saturday is out of the question.
I've decided I'm going to put in at least a year doing what I'm doing - I feel that's sufficient for "giving it a chance" - but after that there's no telling what'll happen. New York would be a blast, and unless a lot changes in the next few months, there's no telling what crazy scheme I may choose to follow.
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