Check Out My Huge, Greasy Cock...
This is actually from a while ago, but I never got around to posting it before. One night Sugar was out of his cage, flying around as he does when I'm home (my parent's don't like to take him out because sometimes he's hard to catch, and also because of the droppings issue). Most of the time, he'll do a few laps around the house and then pause at one of his favorite landing areas - the living room mantle, the dining room curtains, my dad's CD rack - to catch his breath before taking off again.
However on this particular night, he made his way into the kitchen and - for reasons known only to his little birdie brain - decided a pan of leftover grease from dinner looked like a good spot to land. After he splashed down, he was so stuck that he couldn't take off again. Furiously flapping his wings, he merely managed to splash more grease on himself until he was completely covered (it had been about an hour since dinner, so it wasn't hot enough to burn, but it was still in that mushy state before it totally hardens).
Once he calmed down a little, I gave him a toothbrush-and-dish-washing-liquid bath, and he was fine. But he was rather funny looking at the time, so I felt I had to take a few pics. It reminded me of that Seinfeld where Kramer is testing his oil barge liner by tossing a huge ball of oil out of the Play Now window, and it lands on Jerry's girlfriend.
"Look at me! I'm covered in oil! Haha!"
Yeah, this post is pretty lame, I know. Work has been ridiculous lately, and I'm trying to find a new place to live, so that's cutting into the blogging time a little. My only hope is that someone looking for porn will stumble onto this page by accident...
"Oh yeah! Huge, greasy co.....what the hell is this!?!"
Then it'll all be worth it.
At 11:43 AM ,
SuperBee said...
LOL! You have a bird named sugar?!
And I'm the gay one...
No, seriously, aren't birds awful pets? They're so loud with their tweeting!
At 12:15 PM ,
Andy said...
Notice how Jay found this post first. Big. Surprise.
At 10:01 PM ,
jonphiwil said...
Haha, yeah Sugar came into my possession pre-named. He was already like 8 years old at the time, so I thought it would confuse him if I started calling him something else. But, yeah, not such a great name.
And birds are very loud. And messy. When he whistles, it's nice, but sometimes he just screeches and it's almost unbearable. Then there are the seeds...everywhere!
It's all worth it just to be able to feel like a pirate, though.
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