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Exploring that Awkward Time of Life in between Grad School and Marriage.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Dear Fox Broadcasting: WTF?!?!

So I just got back home late this afternoon from a very relaxing weekend out of town, and I was all excited to post about a somewhat life-changing experience I had while I was away. But before I booted up the ol' laptop, I sat down to enjoy my usual Sunday night television lineup - The Simpsons and Family Guy, with the fairly entertaining The War at Home in between - all on Fox. Anyway, I noticed during one of the commercial breaks that they ran a promo for tomorrow night's new episode of Prison Break - nothing unusual. But what struck me as a bit odd was at the end of the promo, when they mentioned that there would be an "encore presentation" of last week's episode at 8:00 before the new one aired at 9:00. Wait a minute.....

"Isn't that Arrested Development's time slot?" I thought to myself. Knowing that the show has had some well-documented ratings problems, but confident that the good folks at Fox wouldn't dare to just give up mid-season on such a great show, I went online to check out what was going on.

Here is what I found:

Fox actually cancelled the funniest show on television!!! Are you kidding me? Is this some sort of joke? Unfortunately this is no joke at all. Apparently it will be back on the air in December - after the precious November sweeps wrap up - but the entire season has been cut back to 13 rather than 22 episodes.

This is a disgrace. In an era of generally horrible television, Fox has an absolute gem in its hands and has decided to throw it all away.

I made my way over the official Arrested Development message boards earlier tonight, just to see what the general reaction was. Not surprisingly, there are a LOT of pissed off people determined to get their voices heard on this matter. Hopefully, Fox will get enough of a negative reaction that they may reconsider, but who knows.....these are the same people that brought us Nanny 911, so there is a very good chance that they are all clinically insane.

Maybe another network will grab it, or maybe Family Guy-style DVD sales will show the execs how much people actually love this show. I don't know. But I am very disappointed.


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