I Need a New "Thing"
Everybody has a "thing." It's that one hobby that you can count on them devoting at least one day out of the weekend to doing. The type of activity that they occasionally will go out of town for, because some other place somewhere else is better for that thing than here.
For some people it's golf, or poker, or hiking, or hunting, or one of a million other things. For me, at various points in my life it's been surfing, running 5Ks, triathlons, playing guitar, and I'm sure a few others that have slipped my mind for the moment. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy all of those things. You just reach a point sometimes when you've run the same trail so many times, or you've been playing the same type of music so much that you need a shake-up.
I just sort of feel like I'm stagnating, and I think a new "thing" may be good for me. I'm open to suggestions. Feel free to discuss.
For some people it's golf, or poker, or hiking, or hunting, or one of a million other things. For me, at various points in my life it's been surfing, running 5Ks, triathlons, playing guitar, and I'm sure a few others that have slipped my mind for the moment. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy all of those things. You just reach a point sometimes when you've run the same trail so many times, or you've been playing the same type of music so much that you need a shake-up.
I just sort of feel like I'm stagnating, and I think a new "thing" may be good for me. I'm open to suggestions. Feel free to discuss.
At 9:10 AM ,
SuperBee said...
I hate to break it to you, but not many of us have a "thing."
"Things" are for people that aren't ungodly busy. I tried doing stained glass for a bit. But it was just too much effing work. And I don't have the energy to take up any more hobbies (notably kite surfing, which I really want to do...) My "thing" now is watching TV. Don't feel too bad about not having a hobby. They're expensive and time-consuming.
I suggest you comfortably nest in your bed, and wait for sweet, sweet death like the rest of us.
At 9:50 AM ,
Andy said...
Again, I disagree with Jay. If I didn't have several creative outlets and Ultimate, I think I'd shoot myself.
I suggest picking up another instrument - piano is a good choice, drums are cool. You can get shitty ones for cheap (pianos are even free if you can figure out how to move them).
Also, I HIGHLY recommend Ultimate. It's an awesome sport and you'd be a valuable asset just based on pure athleticism. Club season just ended so you'd have to look for a winter league (club is the most advanced level - summers are good for beginners cause there are summer leagues everywhere). North Carolina has a solid Ultimate scene (though I don't know about your area in particular). I'm sure if you google "North Carolina Ultimate" something would come up.
If you want something entirely different - maybe take a class at the university nearby, or look for like an improv class or something.
At 10:08 AM ,
The Brewer Patriot said...
I agree with Andy, again. (I agreed with him on his last comment about post grad-school life, but didn't post my agreement.) I would say scoring another instrument is a great idea.
Photography sounds lame, but it is really kind of fun to take the camera out and take some cool shots. Then you can come home and screw around with Photoshop and make some pretty interesting stuff.
You could make stop motion movies using clay representations of your dog as well.
It stinks there is no kickball league close to you, because that has been pretty fun. Mike and I also checked out the Kendall hockey league because that would be another fun thing to do. But it is pricey just because you have to buy so much protective gear.
I agree with the classes idea too. I looked into some filmmaking and script writing classes at Miami-Dade to give me some more interesting things to do.
At 4:40 PM ,
SuperBee said...
I disagree with both of you.
J - just go home, get in bed, and wait to die.
It's what everyone that's not LAAAAME is doing.
Seriously. It helps if you have a TV in your room, so you can watch the Style channel while waiting out your years on God's Green Earth.
At 9:41 PM ,
jonphiwil said...
Yeah, right now my "thing" pretty much is coming home from work and watching TV, which is hella-lame. Interesting you should bring up kite surfing, because there's a place at the beach here that gives lessons/equipment rentals and that's really something I've been meaning to look into.
Learning a new instrument is something I would totally be up for, but I feel my current living situation rules out most options. The walls in my complex are like paper, and there are very few instruments I can think of that wouldn't land me a barrage of noise complaints. That's what great about the unplugged electric guitar - jam away as hard as you want, and not disturb anyone.
And for the classes, I think that would be cool too, but it would be very tough to make it on a regular schedule. I'm sure like a lot of folks, somedays (rarely) I get off at 5:00, and sometimes I get off closer to 7:00 or even later. Committing to anything early than 8:30 or 9:00 at night would be a tough move for me.
So it looks like a TV-junky's life for me at least temporarily, but those are all good suggestions....including the one about just nestint in bed and waiting for sweet, sweet death. I do have a very comfortable bed.
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