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Exploring that Awkward Time of Life in between Grad School and Marriage.

Monday, July 09, 2007

A Most Unusual Occurance

So this afternoon I had something strange happen - 2 very much cuter-than-average girls initiated conversations with me within the span of about 5 minutes of each other. Yeah, that happens pretty much never. But as great as these encounters were in themselves, I feel that each also illustrates some greater life life lessons/personal philosophies applicable far beyond these two limited instances. Observe...

Girl #1 - I was at the bank making a deposit at like 4:55 this afternoon, and I am fairly certain this girl thought I was someone else she knew. It wasn't like we both reached for the same pen or something at the same time and then shared an awkward "oh, hi..." Just the opposite. She came right over and said "Oh, what you end up doing this weekend?" Naturally, I pretended this was perfectly normal and went on to tell her about my weekend, ask her about her's, etc. Then I noticed she was wearing a wedding ring, and I was suddenly much less interested in playing that game anymore.
Lesson #1: As I've noted several times before (er, I'm too lazy to actually link) I have an "everyman" face. I feel this could spell a promising future in either international espionage, organized crime, or Hollywood, yet I haven't to this point pursued any of those possibilities. I need to get on that.
Lesson #2: We're getting to the age, sadly, where it seems most of the "normal" girls are married or in otherwise serious relationships. Or maybe it's just this area. I need to get out of here....

Girl #2 - After I left the bank, I headed over to Fedex to send some stuff out. That's when I heard an "excuse me...can I bother you for a second?" I turned around to find a very cure Chinese girl (no I'm not racist; it's actually relevant that she's Chinese) standing there, obviously not very familiar with the area, sort of staring at the different buildings on the block. I asked what she needed, and she told me she was trying to find a certain restaurant on that street. I knew exactly which one she meant, and and after we made a little small talk, I pointed her in the right direction and she was on her way.
Lesson #3: The restaurant she was asking about was a Chinese place, and I was terrified that someone might walk by and overhear our conversation. Why? Because they might think "That poor girl asked that guy for a good place to eat, and OF COURSE, he told her to go to a Chinese place. Racist asshole bastard!" Yep that's it - I am ridiculously scared of being labeled a racist.
Lesson #4: Seinfeld is still more relevant today than any television show currently in production. Cigar-store Indian episode anyone? The Asian postal worker? You know what I mean.
Lesson #5: I've never dated/hooked up with an Asian girl - and hopefully this doesn't come off too racist - but as a race they are so damn cute. OK so that's totally racist and sexist, but whatever.


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